Inspirational quotes [2]

  • Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

Don't take failure as a set back, failure is not an end, is just a message telling you to put more effort and try again sometime soon with a more advance method,with a more advance knowledge, with more intelligency.
Failure is not a good result, don't stop until you win.

  • Your is limited. Dont waste it living someone else life.

You got limited time to spend on earth so don't live all your life base on someone else opinion, live the best of your life, don't copy anybody lifestyle, live your own best life.

  • "Love all, hate none, Trust few, follow one."

Try to love everyone they all need it, love is the best weapon ever on earth.

Hate none; don't hate anybody, hating on someone will only hurt you and makes you feel unhappy.
Trust few; in this dangerous world you got to trust only few, because not all who laugh at you really love you, so you got to trust few.
Follow one; follow one idea or one personality that you is the best that can suit you. Following many ideas might make you master of none, so the best advice is to follow one dream, one personality.

  • Too many of us are not living our dream because we are living our fear.
  • most times we are afraid to do things we should do just because we afraid there might be a bad result from the step.

Living for millions of years without fulfilling your dream is not encouraging, is better to live hundred of years with a fulfilled life than millions of unfulfilled life, put apart your fears and start living the best out of your life.
Stop living on fear, start living on your dream.
You can click below link on how to be fearless 👇

  • Tough time never last, but tough people do.

Tough time is something that happen for a little period of time and go. But tough people is a personality that last forever. Being a tough person you will be able to overcome any circumstances that come your way, be yee hard or simple. 
Be a tough a person.💪

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