10 ways to overcome fear

10 ways to overcome fear

Many of those who fail, fail because of fear, most have fail even before trying, some fail before they give succes a chance because of fear.
Some are afraid of failure, some are even afraid of success, Regardless of the cause, it as cause many stop and prevent people from achieving what they desire and capable of doing.
There is no greatest way to failure than not trying at all, this year, this month dont let fear quench the real you, dont let fear stop you from moving forward.

Here are 10 ways to overcome fear and move towards your goal this year

  • 1. Understand fear, Accept it and Name it

Fear exist to keep us safe, though is not either good or bad, is a tools we can use to make better decision, fears are not created to make us inactive but to help us in generating the result we need and want, accept fear as a caution in your actions but never allow your action to be control by fear.
What i actually meant by name your fear is that you should note down your fears, by jotting down what your fears are give you strength to deal with them, another way of naming them is focusing your mind on it, when you face the fear it shrink, but when you try to ignore it it grows.

  • 2.  Don't just do anything

We do admire people who react fast to their circumstances, but you have to be deliberate, create a plan and work on it. When fear strikes you consider whether the action you about to take is wise enough to be executed, think deep rather than jumping to what you think might be right which unfortunately might not be.

  • 3. Long Term thinking

If you are a student or an enterpreneurer even being a politician, you might have the fear on your next examination, your next payroll or your next election, but what's your two month outlook or two years outlook from now?
Though thinking about a long term issue might not fix your short term problem, but it can help you think about it more objectively and come up with a solution to fix the problem.

  • 4. Seek knowledge

Nothing fear us the more than the unknown, if you are afraid base on lack of knowledge, then you have to get the information or knowledge you need based on the situation.

  • 5. Pratice and prepare

One of the top fear is public speaking, To stand in front of group of people and open your mouth is one of the greatest fear being experience, if your fear is related to certain activities, then practice then activity often and often and prepare for the activity.

  • 6. Make use of peer group pressure

Have you ever done something scary due to peer group pressure before?  You can surround yourself with people who will push you to overcome your fears that are holding back from getting the best you hope for, the group of people you move with most time is important, there are some group who will push you towards your fear to overcome it, while some will always make guess of you, if you're lucky to among the group who push you forward, make good use of the peer group pressure.

  • 7. Imagine getting success as result

You imagine getting succes in your next move even before getting success as your result, sometimes you have to imagine beyond what is happening around you, imagination most times might make things worst, if your imagination is negative then it might make things more tough, but have positive imagination will surely triggers you to want what you've imagined to come to reality.

  • 8. Seek help

Study that thing you are afraid of, is it something you must do alone?? Or is something you need a mentor or group of  people to help you out.
Let's look at the the athletes, they do have coach, students have teacher so you might need someone advise or support or their coaching, for someone to coach you is not necessary the person is a professional in the area you are dealing with.

  • 9. Do it like other

As the thing you are dealing with be done before or you are the first person to try it?? In case it as been done before, follow the footstep of those who did it.

  • 10. Be ready to fail

Most of us fail not because we are not professional but most times we fail because of the fear of failure, when you have make up your mind that failure are for those who try and not for those who are afraid to try, you might win and you might loose, then when you lose find the reason behind your loosing and try again in a smarter way than the first time.

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