Reason why we fail

Reason why we fail

When most of the successful people talk about failure they always try to let us understand failure as lesson and that we need to try better next time so as not to fail again, not to make same mistake that cause us to fail again.
Mark Zuckerberg once said in his word that "we should not be afraid of failure," the fear of failure most time might cause us to even fail before we give a try.
Failure is Normal, the fact that you fail shouldn't stop you from trying again you just have to put more effort and try some new method of doing that same thing in a better  way to save you from failing again.
There are actually two lessons we learn from failure which are ;-  One, that we at least try something and we have a reason to fail; and Two, That we can rebound from our failure.
So let's get to know the reason why we mostly fail and how we can fix them.

  • 1• Lack of persistent

Most people failure are not cause by their enthusiasm or lack of knowledge, or inadequate talent, most of the people fail because they loose hope and give up, they fail because they stop trying.
Persistent and resistance is very important if you want to succeed in life, you have to be persistent with the necessary things to  be done and resisting the things ought not to be done.
Whenever you fail, you have to try a new way to approach what you have in mind to do, the fact that you need to be persistent doesn't mean you should keep repeating same mistake over and over again and they expect success, persistent don't work that way, you have to look at your previous unsuccessful steps and learn from your mistakes, adjust things where needed and always correct yourself, using your experience as your guide.

  • 2•  Lack of conviction

Lack of conviction is one of the reason we fail, those who lack conviction lack confidence and courage in themselves, They need others to confirm their steps before working it, they need others confirmation to be accepted, even when they know they are on the wrong path.
You have to be able to make decisions on your own, decide what's good and what's bad for you, if you think something is worth doing, then do them with all your mights, be passionate about your tasks. Having collaboration and cooperation for success is good, but never compromise your value.

  • 3• Rationalisation

Winners might analyse, but winners never rationalize like loosers who have a book full of excuses while they don't go so far.
Change the way you look at things, don't take all unsuccessful attempts as a failure, only few people succeed in what they are trying for the first time. Most of the great goals are  attain through repeated effort, do your best to know why and how to avoid what as happen that make you fail.

  • 4. Dismissal of past mistake

There two kind of people on earth, the first one is the one who live and learn and the second one is the one who only live. 
Failure is not the end of whichever thing you fail in doing or achieving, failure should serve as a teacher to us.
Define the problem, analyse the situation of what you aiming at, what your strategy is, why your strategy doesn't work, are you viewing the problem correctly, note out what you need or where to increase your revenue.

  • 5.  Lack of Discipline

No one as ever done something worthwhile with discipline, discipline take self control, sacrifice and avoid distractions and temptation. It mean you have to stay focus.
Don’t be a perfectionist. You might have an idealized vision of what success will look and feel like. Although that can be motivational, it might not be realistic. Succeeding at one goal won’t eliminate all your problems. Be clear on what will satisfy your objectives and don’t obsess about superficial details.

  • 6. Poor self esteem

Poor self esteem is a lack of self-respect and self-worth people, people with low self confidence are always trying to find themselve instead of creating the person they want to be.
Don't look at yourself in a bad way that you will surely fail again, you are not a failure until you stop trying. See yourself as someone still striving towards a goal. Then you will be better able to maintain your patience and perseverance.

  • 7. Fatalistic Attitudes

A fatalistic Attitude prevent people from accepting responsibility in life, they relate everything to fate, they believe what will be will always be, regardless of their efforts and work. 
Look yourself in the mirror early in the morning,  and say "am in charge". You might not be able to control every aspect of your life, but you have more control than you think, and you are responsible for your happiness and success. 
Your attitude determines your altitude, and you can turn “down and out” into “up and at ’em.”

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